Engagement and law degrees - why it's important
Ross Wilson, fourth year LLB student and Joint Director of at Glasgow Caledonian University Law Clinic discusses how his involvement with the clinic has complemented his studies
I have been involved with the Law Clinic at Glasgow Caledonian University since the first year of my LLB. Now in my final year and as Joint Student Director; I can say with certainty that my involvement has made me a better student and will, hopefully in time, make me a better lawyer.
With the rise in unmet legal needs in recent years on both sides of the border, there is a market for clinic services led by students. Whereas I understand this may be daunting to some - after all we are but humble students facing off against qualified practitioners - your training and thought processes can quickly be put to use in helping people. One of the most interesting cases (to me, anyway) I have been involved with, was a parking ticket appeal.
The client, a disabled gentleman, had mistakenly believed he could park in a no waiting zone by virtue of his blue badge. He was nonetheless ticketed. After approaching us for assistance, we challenged that ticket on the basis that the bay was incorrectly marked. Facing off against Glasgow City Council's sizeable legal team, I was delighted when we won. From this, not only did I gain a rather niche insight into parking and administrative law, but also the thrill of helping someone who truly needed it.
This and all of the numerous other cases I've handled, have in some way boosted my legal ability. It is much easier to understand abstract legal concepts when you've had some practice of them and I now have a range of scenarios and anecdotes to refer to in interviews. This has, no doubt, played a part in my successfully attaining a placement with DLA Piper.
I’m sure we would all agree that the LLB is a demanding degree, but I would urge you to get involved with the work of Law Clinics - they benefit not only you (and your CV for that matter), but the wider society, and make the whole experience far more enjoyable, if a little more hectic!

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