We have produced information, guides and advice to help you, our members, and your organisations promote equality and diversity and eliminate the gender pay gap. These include an Equal Pay Toolkit, our Parents in the Profession guides, the Equality Standards, and a Menopause Support Resource.
There is also the opportunity to work in partnership with us in this area. To discuss this further, please contact diversity@lawscot.org.uk.
Embracing neurodiversity: retention and career progression
A guide for legal services employers on how they can best support the retention and promotion of neurodivergent employees, created by the Legal Neurodiversity Network.
Profile of the Profession
The Profile of the Profession is our major census of those working in Scotland’s legal sector. Conducted every five years, the results directly inform our policy work and how we support members. The latest survey ran in early 2023.
Menopause support resource
Our comprehensive menopause support guide, produced in partnership with Peppy, is designed to help individuals and firms access the support they need, with information, advice and further resources to explore.
Diversity data 2022/23
Diversity data is collected every two years as part of the annual practising certificate renewal process, in order to better understand what the Scottish legal profession looks like, support and advance the Society's equality and diversity work, and measure progress. It offers a key insight into the make-up of the profession and was most recently collected in 2022/23.
Equality and diversity guides
Supporting our members to comply with their legal duties and to excel as employers and service providers.
Equality and diversity research
Take a look at our key research, which examines the whole legal sector, as well as specific groups and issues.
Equality and diversity blogs, articles and events
The Equality Standards, guides and other information are supplemented by regular blogs from experts and events covering key issues.
Our commitment
As the professional body for solicitors in Scotland, we have responsibilities to the profession, to the public, and as an employer.
To represent and protect these diverse groups, we recognise the need to:
- value the contribution from all who make up the population of Scotland
- take strength from the widest experience, knowledge and understanding it can access - both within and outwith our membership
- go beyond legal compliance by integrating diversity into all that we do
- promote the core values of diversity to the profession as a whole
Our responsibilities
We, alongside the legal profession, have various responsibilities in relation to equality and diversity covered by legislation and statutory codes.
For example:
- as employers
- as a regulator of the profession
- as providers of 'goods and services' (to the public).
We also have additional responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010 as a:
- 'public authority' in respect of our public functions
- service provider to the profession
- trade (membership) organisation
- qualifications body
You can view our key research in this area over the last 10 years, some looking at the whole sector and collecting data to let us assess change, and others looking at specific groups, such as minority ethnic solicitors, or specific issues, like bullying.