In this section, find out how you can take your first steps to becoming a Scottish solicitor and joining our 11,000 practising members.
We uphold high standards for training new entrants to the profession, which is why we have a great reputation all over the world. There are opportunities for you to join us from whatever stage you're at now whether you're a school pupil just starting out, someone looking for a change in career direction or a lawyer qualified overseas.
How do I become a Scottish solicitor?
If you're an aspiring solicitor you have three possible routes, which depend on what stage you're at. The vast majority of people take the 'standard route' to qualification, which is most-suited to those attending university for the first time. If you already have a degree in another discipline, or a law degree awarded in another jurisdiction, the 'accelerated' route might be best for you.
The pre-PEAT traineeship, is designed as an alternative to the LLB. There are a relatively small number of pre-PEAT trainees every year.
If you're qualified in another jurisdiction, find out about our requalifying routes for UK, EU and overseas lawyers.
*Please note these are all the full-time study options. Part-time options are also available.
The LLB Degree
Study Scots Law at one of 10 accredited providers in Scotland. There are honours, ordinary, part-time and online options available as well as the accelerated LLB for postgraduates.
Pre-PEAT training contract
There are various reasons why you might not be in a position to go to university to study the LLB. There is an alternative to the LLB, where you undertake a pre-PEAT training contract in conjunction with sitting the Law Society's exams.
Diploma in Professional Legal Practice
A mandatory one-year course that makes you day-one ready to start your traineeship. The Diploma is currently offered at six universities in Scotland.
Finish your legal education by learning 'on the job', by working as a trainee under the supervision of a qualified Scottish solicitor. When you have successfully completed your traineeship, which spans a two-year period, you are ready to apply to take out a solicitor's practising certificate.
What is 'fitness and properness'?
Every person who practises as a solicitor in Scotland must maintain the standards of honesty, integrity and professionalism that the public and other members of the profession expect.
A person cannot be admitted as a solicitor unless they are deemed to be a 'fit and proper person to be a solicitor'. Any person who practises as a solicitor in Scotland must be competent to do so and should not pose a risk to their clients, the public or other members of the profession.
Fitness and properness will be addressed at the following stages:
- application for an entrance certificate
- admission to the roll for the first time
- application for restoration to the roll at any time
- application for a practising certificate having not held one for 12 months or more
A copy of the fit and proper guidance can be found here.

Requalifying into Scotland
Any solicitor qualified in another jurisdiction can apply to requalify as a Scottish solicitor via the Qualified Lawyers Assessment.