The Edinburgh Legal Walk 12 October 2015
On a breezy and mostly dry early October Monday evening, we gathered in the Old College Quad at Edinburgh University, to have our photo taken, with the 10-foot tall maquettes of the Kelpies in the background.
We were suitably encouraged and addressed by our lead walkers, Lord Tyre and Christine McLintock, the President of The Law Society of Scotland, who then sent us on our way, with maps in our hands.
The 18 teams present included the In-House Lawyers’ Group (Sara and Rosie Scott, Graeme McWilliams, Fiona McGowan, Chris Bowie and Lauren Smith) and the Law Society of Scotland.
This 8km sponsored walk around Edinburgh was to raise money for local advice services.
The route had a Magna Carta theme to celebrate the 800th anniversary of the sealing of the Magna Carta and highlight the document's importance and relevance to access to justice today.
We were walking in response to the growing need for free legal advice centres over the past few years. The recession has increased poverty and reduced support services, while funding for the advice centres themselves has reduced.
The organisations we supported on the walk prevent families being made homeless, prevent destitution, help older people gain the support to which they are entitled and help women and children who have been trafficked for domestic servitude or prostitution.
By taking part in the Edinburgh Legal Walk and seeking sponsorship from our friends, family and colleagues, we were helping to secure vital funds needed for this important cause.
We were also part of the global celebration of the 800th anniversary of the sealing of the Magna Carta, which includes one of the most important clauses in legal history - “to no one will we sell, to no one deny or delay right or justice” - highlighting the continuing relevance of the great charter in accessing justice today.
We kept up a steady pace on our route, which circled Edinburgh city centre and took us south to the Meadows (where we saw the sun setting through the trees), round by the castle, through the edge of the old and new town, round Calton Hill and the Scottish Parliament. It finished at the Macdonald Holyrood Hotel, where we all toasted our success and networked.
The Edinburgh Legal Walk managed to raise over £3,000. The ILG team came fourth in the table of top fund raisers, and we raised an incredible £365.44. Well done and many thanks to all who took part and supported us.
It was a truly great evening of walking and camaraderie for such an excellent cause.

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