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Holyrood bill sets targets for cutting fuel poverty
Strategy to be set covering years to 2040

Society hits out at benefit sanctions regime
System "not meeting objectives" and "causing severe hardship": response

Call for views on new Scottish funeral payment help scheme
Separate Scottish provision to operate from summer 2019

Solicitor brings discrimination claim over stopping of disability benefit
DWP and Scottish Government accused after appeal not contested

Social Security Bill passes final Holyrood stage
First devolved benefits system unopposed after stage 3 debate

Scottish social security appeals rules go out to consultation
Ministers propose procedure for new First-tier Tribunal chamber

Scots welfare claimants to have right to support at health assessments
Bill amendment claimed to make Scotland different; DWP disagrees

Social Security Bill passes first Holyrood stage
No opposition to bill, but MSPs request more detail

Holyrood passes Child Poverty Bill
Targets in place to reduce child poverty by 2030

MSP proposes end to 'period poverty'
Views sought on idea to provide free sanitary products

Social Security Bill goes out to public views
Holyrood committee issues call for evidence

Social Security Bill begins Holyrood journey
Eleven benefits to be devolved, and further top-up powers

Support for human trafficking victims to be doubled
Matheson announces 90-day minimum help for adult victims

Child Poverty Bill passes stage 1
No opposition at first parliamentary hurdle

Bedroom tax assessment must look at vacant dwelling, Inner House rules
Extra livingroom on social work advice held not to affect bedroom count

Child poverty targets should be strengthened, MSPs believe
Committee's stage 1 report says timescales "too distant"

Legal Spark in crowdfunding appeal for "rape clause" challenge
Law centre seeks means to take advice on court case

Committees unite to demand clarity over welfare powers transfer
Joint Holyrood/Westminster letters point up need to safeguard claimants

Scots poverty figures point to widening gap
"Sharp rise in income inequality" in latest year

MSPs call for views on Child Poverty Bill provisions
Submissions welcome on principle and nature of proposed targets

Bill sets Scottish Government targets for reducing child poverty
Plans to be drawn up for strategy through to 2030

Holyrood and Westminster committees combine on benefit exercise
Joint study to look at devolution of social security powers

EU national in education entitled to income support after parent left
Inner House allows Polish girl's appeal against refusal

"Citizen's income" idea to be explored by MSPs
Committee to report on feasibility of guaranteed minimum payment