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You are currently filtering for: banking-financial-services

New phase of cost crisis for poorer families: Foundation
Study shows extent of debt incurred trying to pay for essentials

Financial services consumer duty in force from today
Higher standards of openness and fairness expected of provider firms

Commission tackles challenging issues in securities law
Final discussion paper covers non-monetary obligations and sub-securities

Moveable Transactions Bill passed at Holyrood
Unanimous support for bill to make business finance raising easier

MSPs seek consumer exclusion from moveables reforms
Stage 1 report supports access to business finance but reflects concerns

Self-Build Loan Fund reopens to applications
Short term loans available to those unable to secure other funding

MSPs invite views on Moveable Transactions Bill
Committee opens consultation on bill to improve business finance options

Reform of moveable transactions comes before Holyrood
Bill introduced to enact Scottish Law Commission proposals

FCA advances plans for tighter consumer protection
New consultation sets out more detailed proposals for 2022 rules

Regulator seeks views on scam payment recovery
Consultation opened on proposals to follow promised legislation

Banking dispute resolution service appeals to advisers
Independent body seeks to resolve SME disputes dating back to 2001

FCA proposes new Consumer Duty
More protection wanted for financial services customers

MacRoberts launches anti-money laundering team
Fraser Sinclair to head specialist group

SMEs offered new bank dispute service
ADR service intended for disputes involving larger SMEs

FCA proposes extended COVID-19 credit card debt relief
Further time to be allowed to those needing payment breaks

Scottish Building Society reveals mortgage support deal
COVID-19 package prevents risk of losing home for next 12 months

Insured's right to choose lawyer covers mediation: CJEU
Court rules on EU law rights under contracts for legal expenses insurance

SME bank dispute service reports positive first results
Business Banking Resolution Service publishes interim report on live pilot

Insurers should play fair during COVID-19, FCA advises
City watchdog sets out expectations in dealing with claimants

MSPs take an interest in moveables reform
Holyrood committee invites views on Scottish Law Commission proposals

Scottish National Investment Bank given final go-ahead
MSPs pass bill to support innovation and eco returns

FCA targets overdraft charging in new consultation
Authority wants single interest rate and no fixed charges

Draft claims management company rules released by FCA
Authority to become responsible from April 2019

Open banking regime will allow data sharing from tomorrow
Customers can authorise access to account information held by bank