Legal news

Revenue Scotland announces board
Five to run new body from 1 January

Honours for three Scottish solicitors
Winsor, Brymer and Minto recognised in fields of service

Court explains decision on valid continuing power of attorney
Reasons point to wording that "clearly expresses granter's intention"

Faculty says thank you for services in 2014
Free Legal Services Unit heads list of those who supported the public

Solicitors win public confidence, Society survey finds
Around 90% positive response from recent clients

Landowner becomes first one guilty of vicarious wildlife offence
Conviction follows criminal actions of employed gamekeeper

QC and solicitor to join Scottish Law Commission
David Johnston and Caroline Drummond appointed for five year terms

Appeal fails in bid for TripAdvisor disclosure
Court of Session has no power in relation to USA company

Council damages payouts fall by half
Figures show big drop in latest five year period

Council held in data protection breach for surveillance of sick employee
Insufficient evidence to justify move, Information Commissioner rules

Judge overrules Keeper's practice on pre-RBS v Wilson repossessions
Property should be registered free of postponed securities

Tods Murray owed over £5m at end, administrators report
Office costs were major factor in insolvency

Stranded employees can still work for pay, Society advises
Those who can and do work remotely "should be paid for their time"

Society issues 1,000th solicitor smartcard
Rollout continues through to autumn 2015

Questions over witness pre-recording plans
Scottish Court Service exploring ways to speed up trials

Digby Brown reports a record year
Latest annual results show turnover up 17% and profit 36%

SCJC publishes review of dispute resolution methods
Paper includes assessment of current state of ADR in Scotland

SAC launches formal arbitrator appointment system
Enlarged committee will assess individuals' credentials

Twin attack in prospect on car smoking with children present
Legislation proposed on both sides of the border

Should poll tax debts be cancelled, MSP committee asks
Finance Committee calls for evidence on Scottish Government bill

ECHR adoption draft incompatible with EU law, Court of Justice rules
Provisions fail to have regard to specific characteristics of EU law

Commission looks to achieve modern compulsory purchase law
Discussion paper calls for views on new legislation

Supreme Court gives reasons for rejecting prisoner referendum votes
Majority follow human rights case law excluding referendums

Catholic midwives lose abortion conscientious objection case
Supreme Court upholds health board appeal over scope of provision