Blogs & opinions

A darker shade of white
Fond memories of the past don't mean we can recreate them today

Past, present and future: a Christmas reflection
The Society is working to achieve its vision for itself and for the solicitors' profession

A case stated
Positive feedback from the Justice Committee hearing shows respect in which the Society is held

Committee starts from first principles
Stage 1 hearings on Legal Services Bill taking nothing for granted

Two into one can't go?
Can the Society continue with its dual role?

Still as controversial
One year on, home reports have still to sell themselves to most Scottish solicitors

What price health?
Will we ever know if setting a minimum price for alcohol would be legal?

Two sides of the coin
Access to justice summit for disabled people hears of the best, and worst cases, but offers hope

Abolishing sin
What is the point of legislation to impose aspirations and targets on government?

Flavour of the month
Everyone seems to be talking pro bono, and we should welcome that

Looking for long term gain
Launch of Fife Law Centre reminds us of the need for secure funding for essential advice

The politics of advice
Advice should be public, and advisers should be given some leeway, on matters of public interest

The lot of the trainee
Debate on exploitation highlights some serious issues

Raising the level of the playing field
Legal Services Bill could mean extra rules for all

Any fears over free speech?
BNP appearance on "Question Time" is no threat to public order

Confidence in our judges
Judicial Appointments Board report shows the challenge of squaring the circle

Gill: time for action
Lord Gill consulted extensively on his civil courts review and we should press ahead with his recommendations

Hedging its bets
Government prolonging the wait for action on high hedges

Squaring the circle
Civil courts review is bold attempt to bring improvements

Dying for some guidance
Why should Scotland not have guidelines on assisted suicide too?

Across the great divide
A Harpers man honouring Joe Beltrami is a metaphor for the profession pulling together

Fatal errors
First jail term for careless driving causing death suggests law being applied sensibly

Rights above board
Human rights issues deserve a properly informed debate

Another round
How do we make the new licensng laws work if no one knows what they are?