FM officially opens new MBH

Registers of Scotland’s newly refurbished and extended Meadowbank House has been officially opened by the Rt Hon Alex Salmond MSP, First Minister of Scotland and Keeper of the Scottish Seal. The event took place on Wednesday 25 September, with 150 guests in attendance from RoS past and present, the wider civil service, customers and the local community.
After five years of planning, design and construction, the Meadowbank House extension and refurbishment project concluded in May 2013. The official opening event was an opportunity for the Keeper, Sheenagh Adams, to congratulate and thank all those involved in the successful delivery of the £6.2 million project to create modern, sustainable office space and a bespoke Customer Service Centre at our main Edinburgh premises. The work has significantly increased the lifespan of the building, allowing RoS to continue protecting the rights of the Scottish public in the digital age.
The First Minister remarked: “Registers of Scotland safeguards the world’s oldest public register of property rights and can lay claim to other world firsts. I’m delighted to officially open the refurbished Meadowbank House, which looks ahead to a RoS fit for a 21st century Scotland.
“As well as adopting modern working practices, RoS actively employs modern apprentices and I enjoyed meeting some of them today at Meadowbank House. I’m sure the new exhibition space will grow public appreciation of RoS and the important work carried out.”
Keeper Sheenagh Adams added: “Across the public sector we are looking at ways to make our working environments as efficient and economically sustainable as possible, and that aim has definitely been achieved with this project. The team behind our extension and refurbishment of Meadowbank House should be rightfully proud after creating a modern, future-proof building within the set budget and timescale.
“Times have certainly changed since this building first opened its doors in 1976, when most of our work was carried out on paper and the modern, map-based Land Register was yet to be introduced. In 2013, we’re preparing for the implementation of new legislation that will bring land registration into the digital age and impact upon everyone involved in land and property.”
Dedicated website keeps you abreast of updates to the Act.
2012 Act update
Registers of Scotland has created a dedicated internet site for all things related to the Land Registration etc. (Scotland) Act 2012.
The 2012 Act campaign website is an information hub, bringing together details on all aspects of the implementation of the legislation as we move toward the designated day, which is anticipated to be autumn 2014. Visit to keep up to date with all the work underway at RoS in connection with the 2012 Act. Offering quick and easy access to essential information about the Act, content includes:
- an introduction to the 2012 Act;
- how the 2012 Act will affect different professions, including solicitors and mortgage lenders;
- frequently asked questions regarding the 2012 Act;
- upcoming awareness events;
- access to consultation documents relating to the 2012 Act.
The Consultation for the Electronic Documents (Scotland) Regulations 2013 is now closed. Thank you to everyone who took part. As highlighted in last month’s Journal article, the Implementation of the Land Registration etc (Scotland) Act 2012 – Consultation is currently live and we are inviting members of the Scottish legal community to participate.
In this issue
- Jewel in the crown, or just red tape?
- In the public interest
- Sweeney: room for manoeuvre
- Lost in translation?
- EU Fundamental Rights Agency: the missing link?
- Reading for pleasure
- Opinion column: Stephen Gold
- Book reviews
- Profile
- President's column
- FM officially opens new MBH
- Feeling the squeeze
- Litigation: a numbers game
- Mythbusting! The in-house IT top ten
- Charities and the changing legal landscape
- Heir finding: the sensitive side
- Sign up to boost charity giving
- Law, but not as we know it
- All the permutations
- The truth, the whole truth...
- Shale gas: a complex process
- Expenses up to date?
- Scottish Solicitors' Discipline Tribunal
- Room at the top?
- Here comes the flood?
- SGM decision kills "sep rep"
- Outsourcing: the straight and narrow
- How not to win business: a guide for professionals
- Properly engaged?
- Ask Ash
- Sep rep: what now?
- From the Brussels office
- Law reform roundup