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You are currently filtering for: civil-court-work

Tea pickers' claim better brought in Kenya: Inner House
Court lists Scottish action for decision under Kenyan administrative scheme

Ministers set out justice programme through to 2026
Delivery Plan takes forward Vision for Justice objectives

New baseline needed for cases awaiting trial: Carloway
Lord President opens legal year, conceding no return to pre-Covid position

SCTS offers API engagement over bulk simple procedures
Firms invited to engage over bulk submissions

Demo session offered for revised SCTS caveat service
Latest changes on show on Monday 31 July

Inner House launches regular live stream appeal service
Court of Session Live project will allow remote viewing of appeal hearings

Court wi-fi access upgrades coming, SCTS confirms
Improvements programme will deliver further results from summer 2023

SCTS offers feedback session on new portal
Users invited to share experience with updated Civil Online

New rules confirm remote and in-person court hearings
Most procedural business to be virtual, but default position can be changed

Four Bars reaffirm commitment to cab rank rule
Statement by UK and Ireland Bars underlines role of cab rank rule

Management services claim was too inspecific for proof
Sheriff Appeal Court refuses claim based on global figures over three years

Three join Scottish Civil Justice Council
Two solicitors and a sheriff join rule-making body

Courts to be hit by industrial action on 1 February
SCTS hopes to maintain essential business, but disruption expected

Survey seeks views on citing human rights treaties
Research aims to understand how treaties used in Scots courts and tribunals

Delivery of simple procedure claim must be evidenced
Sheriff Appeal Court rules track and trace receipt must be produced

Lodge all documents electronically: sheriffs principal
Further guidance issued covering non-commissary civil actions

Maltese road authority held immune from Scottish action
State immunity applied as authority was carrying out state's obligation

Survey running on remote civil court hearings
Research seeks to support future development of digital programme

Lord President reviews Covid recovery in annual address
Address for new legal year surveys progress with recovery programme

Edinburgh court business affected by mourning events
High Court trials relocated; Court of Session to sit virtually

Login warning issued with SCTS caveat portal update
Users will need to clear cookies in order to login again

Kenyan interim order stalls tea pickers' Scottish case
Company attempts to have class action barred because not in Kenya