Paralegal pointers

A very happy new year from the Scottish Paralegal Association. Now that the festivities are over, our attention turns to our annual conference. The conference will be held on Thursday 20 April 2017 in the Grand Central Hotel, Glasgow. Last year’s conference was a great success and this year is looking even better. We have a great line-up of speakers, with more to be announced, covering a variety of domains including Conveyancing, Executry, Criminal, Licensing, Civil and Debt Recovery. Tickets go on sale very soon, so please watch out for an email, and of course you can find further information on our website Don’t forget this is also a verifiable CPD event.
The winner of our Paralegal of the Year award will be announced at our conference. Please remember to nominate a paralegal you think is worthy of the award, or nominate yourself. We are all aware of the outstanding job paralegals do, so make sure you get your nominations in. Applications will be accepted until Tuesday 31 January 2017. Check the website for further details.
Please keep in touch with us, using Twitter or Facebook: follow us at @ScotsParalegals. This is a great way to keep up to date with news and details of upcoming CPD events, SPA events and networking events. It is an ideal way to contact other paralegals and a great forum for discussion between your peers.
In this issue
- Private prosecution: the Glasgow Rape Case revisited
- The commercialisation of space
- Feminism: all is not what it seems…
- Retaking the narrative on complaints
- Reading for pleasure
- Opinion: Alan McIntosh
- Book reviews
- Profile
- President's column
- RoS riding to the four (hundred)
- People on the move
- Scot in the European hot seat
- When partners fall short
- Uber: a great gig?
- Brexit: the end of cross-border practice?
- Closing in: the gender pay gap rules
- Simple procedure – it's complicated
- When changing the defender is OK
- Solemn procedure: beware the changes
- Divorce and the new state pension
- Delivery of alcohol: a “game changer”?
- A tale of two "Budgets"
- Scottish Solicitors' Discipline Tribunal
- "One-shot" rule sees rejection income soar
- Law without frontiers
- CJEU decision supports LPP protections
- Society thank-you for STARTS support
- From the Brussels Office
- Law reform roundup
- Expertise plus: promoting a sector strength
- Paralegal pointers
- What to do about client interest?
- Still free to market?
- New year, new contact
- Ask Ash
- Paying homage to King Cash